The 13th meeting of the Council of Europe Dialogue with Roma and Traveller civil society (concept note and Romani version) is scheduled to take place on 10-11 May 2022 in hybrid format/online via the KUDO conferencing system.
Physical participation is subject to travel, public health and sanitary restrictions applicable in France and/or other countries during the time of the 13th Dialogue meeting.
The meeting will take stock of the current realisation of the rights of Roma and Traveller children in Council of Europe member states and Roma and Traveller communities. Participants are also invited to discuss the impact of the COVID-19 crisis in this context and to present examples of good practice developed by member states and civil society organisations.
The meeting will:
- bring together representatives of different Roma and Traveller civil society organisations and different services of the Council of Europe Secretariat and member state authorities currently working for the protection and promotion of the rights of Roma and Traveller children
- aim to develop co-operation between these organisations and the Council of Europe Secretariat to promote active measures at member state level to safeguard and develop Roma and Traveller children’s access to rights, and to promote the children’s active participation in decision-making
- take stock of current violations of the rights of Roma and Traveller children in member states and of the states’ responses to these infringements
- provide an overview of the new Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2022-2027) and relevant legal instruments, policies and practices to support the full realisation of the rights of Roma and Traveller children at European and national level
- identify different authorities that have specific roles and responsibilities concerning the protection of the rights of Roma and Traveller children and discuss concerns and possible gaps in national legislation, policy and practice in relation to children’s rights
- share examples of good practice and children’s rights initiatives implemented by member states’ governments, municipalities and civil society organisations.
Expected outcomes:
- increased knowledge of the situation of Roma and Traveller children and of the realisation of their rights
- increased understanding of the role of Roma and Traveller civil society organisations and the tools available to them for actively contributing to the work of promoting the rights of Roma and Traveller children
- increased awareness of Council of Europe instruments, tools and activities supporting the full realisation of the rights of Roma and Traveller children and current responses regarding their neglect or violation.
Selection criteria for Dialogue participants:
- experience and expertise regarding the five priority areas of the previous Council of Europe Strategy for the Rights of the Child (2016-2021), which are:
- equal opportunities for all children
- participation of all children
- a life free from violence for all children
- child-friendly justice for all children
- rights of the child in the digital environment;
- geographical representation of the participants at national and regional levels and across Council of Europe member states;
- age and gender balance;
- current or latest contribution or project implementation in the field of children’s rights;
- contributions to developing and applying standards regarding children’s rights and to monitoring their realisation;
- ability to work orally and in writing in at least one of the official languages of the Council of Europe (English or French) or in Romani;
- personal motivation.
The call is open to representatives of Roma and Traveller civil society organisations.
Interested candidates must complete an online Application Form by Monday 18 April 2022, midnight, Central European Time (CET).
Incomplete applications or applications received after that deadline will not be considered.
Only successful applicants will be informed.
Notifications will be sent out by the end of April 2022.
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