The Council of Europe’s Roma and Travellers Division and the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, organised a workshop on inclusive education for Roma children.
The event targeted staff members of various Czech institutions, such as the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, the Ministry of Regional Development, the National Pedagogical Institute, Association of workers of pedagogical-psychological counselling centres.
The aim of the workshop was to discuss the challenges faced by Roma children in the education system, as highlighted in the D.H. and Others v. Czech Republic case, in the light of policy developments and measures taken at national level to promote inclusion and provide quality education for all Roma children.
Representatives from different sectors of the Council of Europe, the Roma and Travellers Division, the Department for the Execution of Judgments and the Office of the Commissioner for Human Rights discussed key principles for developing inclusive policies for Roma children in the context of Council of Europe standards and practices relevant to the implementation of the D.H. and Others v. Czech Republic judgment.
International experts in the field of education engaged with participants and discussed how various tools, such as the Index for Inclusion, can assist educational institutions in establishing and expanding inclusive policies and practices. It was further discussed how the paradigm of inclusive education in practice can address the challenges faced by Roma children and the adaptations needed to be successful.
The workshop provided an opportunity to exchange views and practices with experts from national governments, including members of the Committee of Experts on Roma and Traveller Issues (ADI-ROM) from Greece, North Macedonia, Portugal, Romania and the Republic of Moldova.
Representatives from the Czech Ministry of Education presented their analysis of the current situation and reforms in promoting inclusive and desegregation policies. Participants exchanged views with Roma and pro-Roma civil society organisations on the impact of inclusive education in Roma communities.
The workshop is part of a wide spectrum of co-operation activities undertaken by the Roma and Travellers Division to assist Member State governments in designing and implementing laws, policies and measures to ensure that Council of Europe human rights standards and European Court of Human Rights judgments are effectively implemented for the benefit of Roma and Travellers.
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