Mishto avilan! Welcome! Jubilejo Lumiako Romano Kongreso Jubilee World Romani Congress |
Nevipe thaj linko e kongresesa taro FB Romanistan thaj vebsiti Romanistan.com Your link to news and upcoming sessions at FB page Romanistan & website Romanistan.com Akana ko 23 juni Kaj o Thema Choren e Chavoren including 23 June on State-seizures of Romani children Kon ka keren dureder o Kongresesko Forum: okoleske isi duj zoom mitinga Two important zoom sessions on future of the Congress Forum 15 June 11.00 CET [10.00 London] https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86597593269?pwd=TTFTVHZzS0trU0JtYlVVUmZWVFhkdz09Meeting ID: 865 9759 3269 Passcode: 595807 30 June 10.0 CET [9.0 London] https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81693501750 More information from Romvote@gmail.com |
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