Open Lecture: Barvalo. Roma, Sinti, Manoushes, Gitanos, Travellers…

Friday, July 12, 2-4 pm
Institute für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte
Georgenstraße 47 | D-10117 Berlin

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Room 0.07 (ground floor, left to the main entrance, access through large glass door)
Open to general public, free entry

Presented by:

Timea Junghaus, art historian, executive director of ERIAC
Timea Junghaus, art historian, executive director of ERIAC
Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka, co-curator of Barvalo, deputy director of ERIAC

Delaine Le Bas, ‘Gypsy’ The Elephant In The Room, 2018, plastic and textiles, 70.05 × 6.40 © Michèle Clavel

BARVALO. Roma, Sinti, Manouches, Gitanos, Travellers… is the largest exhibition ever on Roma life and culture in a public museum in Europe, held at the Mucem (Museum of European and Mediterranean Civilisations) in Marseille, between 10 May – 3 September, 2023.

Developed in partnership and co-curated by European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture (ERIAC) along a team of nineteen experts, Roma and non-Roma alike, who successfully worked together to present the cultural, historical, and artistic contributions of the Romani communities throughout European societies.

As an “Elephant In The Room”, <<Barvalo>> has changed something, in a very positive way. It managed to change the regular practices of established museums and shape the narrative from the perspective of self-representation

Barvalo received Prix Historia, the prestigious award of the Historia magazine for the best exhibiton in 2023. Timea Junghaus, art historian and Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka, co-curator of the exhibition will join from the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture (ERIAC) to guide you through the main elements of the exhibition, through an interactive presentation.

Lecture presented upon the invitation of Dr. Beáta Hock, Acting Chair of East European Art History at the Institute of Art and Visual History of the Humboldt University in the framework of the seminar course “Questions of Race, Ethnicity and Decolonization in East European Art”

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