Produced as part of the Proud Roma Free Europe campaign, the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture – ERIAC is pleased to release the short film ’Proud Roma’ written and directed by award-winning Spanish-Romani filmmaker Pablo Vega, and starring Alina Serban and contemporary dancer Tony Gabarry.
The international premiere of the short film will take place on 25 January 2022 at 20:00 at Babylon in Berlin before a live audience, followed by a roundtable discussion with the film creators. The event will be streamed online on ERIAC’s social media.
Opening performance by Tony Gabarry TBC
Welcome by Timea Junghaus, executive director, European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture – ERIAC
Welcome by Timothy Grossman, director, Babylon20:15PREMIERE OF ’PROUD ROMA’ SHORT FILM (10 MIN)20:25Roundtable discussion with:
-Pablo Vega, award-winning director and writer
-Gonzalo Montano, writer, musicologist and researcher
-Alina Serban, award-winning actress, playwright and director
-Anna Mirga-Kruszelnicka, deputy director, ERIAC
Moderated by Jake Bowers, journalist, producer and filmmaker21:25-22:00Reception in the foyer of Babylon
REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED for those attending the premiere in person via https://eriac.org/proud-roma-film-premiere-registration/***Due to current Covid regulations, all guests will need to comply with 2G requirements (providing a proof of vaccination or recovery).
Inspired by the 1940 film ’The Great Dictator’ – created by and starring Charlie Chaplin, who unbeknownst to many was of Roma origin – ’Proud Roma’ reflects the richness and diversity of the Roma nation. The short film challenges dominant historical narratives and negative stereotypes of Roma while recalling the many cultural and historical contributions Roma have made to Europe over the centuries. ’Proud Roma’ is a contemporary Roma manifesto and a tribute to Roma pride and cultural heritage.Launched earlier this year by ERIAC with the support of the Open Society Roma Initiatives Office (RIO), and run in partnership with a transnational coalition of national Roma grassroots organizations as well as the Roma Education Fund (REF) and the Roma Entrepreneurship Development Initiative (REDI), the Proud Roma Free Europe campaign seeks to inspire pride in Roma identity and encourage Roma civic participation.
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