Within the framework of the Joint European Union/Council of Europe Programme ROMACTED Phase II on “Promoting good governance and Roma empowerment at local level”, the Council of Europe hereby issues this Call for Proposals in order to select a Support Organisation in Montenegro to provide organisational and logistical support and assistance and to enable the smooth running of all activities in Podgorica – Camp Konik.
For additional reading, please note that the ROMACTED methodology is a combination of the ROMED2 and ROMACT methodologies which are available online as follows: ROMED2 Guidelines for National and Local Facilitators and ROMACT handbook.
Application Form and Supporting Documents:
- Application form
- Annex II Estimated Budget
- Annex III Financial Report (1 currency)
- ROMACTEDII Grant Agreement
Deadline for Submission
The application form, completed and signed, together with the supporting documents (including the provisional budget in Excel), must be submitted in electronic form (Word, Excel and/or PDF) to the following e-mail address: romacted@coe.int. Emails should contain the following reference in subject: ROMACTEDII Grant – Call for Proposals Montenegro Camp Konik.
Applications must be received before 30 September 2021 23:59 CET. Applications received after the above mentioned date will not be considered.
Questions regarding this specific call for proposals must be sent at the latest one week before the deadline for the submission of proposals, in English, and shall be exclusively sent to the following address: romacted@coe.int, with the following reference in subject: ROMACTEDII Grant Montenegro Camp Konik – Questions.
General information concerning the ROMACTED Programme and the work of the Council of Europe on Roma issues can be found on the following websites: http://www.coe-romacted.org and http://www.coe.int/roma.
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