Evenemang av CEU Romani Studies Program och Critical Romani Studies
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TISDAG 6 DECEMBER 2022 KL. 17:00–18:30
Roma Holocaust, Memory, and Representation
Hybrid launch of the thematic issue of Critical Romani Studies journal
Central European University, Quellenstraße 51, 1100 Wien, room B511
The event is livestreamed at https://www.facebook.com/CEURomaniStudiesProgram
Critical Romani Studies is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access journal providing a forum for activist-scholars to critically examine racial oppressions, different forms of exclusion, inequalities, and human rights abuses of Roma.
The thematic issue is introduced by the guest editors: Lise Foisneau, Joanna Talewicz; and the following authors: Adrian Nicolae Furtuna, Eve Rosenhaft, Marko Pecak, Zoe James, and Anna Daroczi. Invited discussant: Eva Kovacs (Vienna Wiesenthal Institute for Holocaust Studies)
The open access journal issue is available at https://crs.ceu.edu
Cover: Nostalgia is the luxury for other (2021). Image courtesy of Krzysztof Gil

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