We are more than Samudaripen

DIKKO kollage

We, the Romani People, are more than just, and I say the word just very loudly here, Samudaripen though when we see how the majority of the “leaders” behave and act, it would appear that the entire sum of the Romani Nation is Samudaripen and the remembrance of those awful events.

Text: Michael Smith (Veshengro)
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While those events, the slavery in Romania and other parts of the Balkans, and also the enslavement of Rom from Britain and other places, and their transportation to the Americas, should never be forgotten and stand as a reminder what the Gadje are capable of doing we must not dwell on, and especially in the past.

The events of the past must remind us to always remain vigilant and especially today when we, once again are under threat as a Nation by overt and covert acts. Some of those acts are even coming from those who supposedly are our own and our very own organizations, such as the ERRC (European Roma Rights Center) and its directors.

However, we need to look forward because only then, can we recognize the danger that might be facing us and we must also move forward to create a better future for ourselves, our children and their children, and we must do this as a Nation, and not as just an ethnicity integrated and assimilated into the international working class, as some of our own – at least they claim to be of our blood – would like us to end up. The Gadje definitely want us that way.

We are an ancient People, a Nation with an ancient heritage albeit with a history not recorded; which is not to say that it should not be. But when recorded, it must be written by us, and not just the history but everything about our true culture, traditions, customs and practices, spiritual, religious and others, and that it should be done now – says he who has a lot of material gathered but not put together as yet – before those who still remember, are gone forever.

It is true that our history, as to origin and such, is lost in the mists of time but there are those of us, especially the old ones, who know more than they realize, and all of this must be put down on “paper”, whether real paper or electronically. Our children and their children must have something to be able to cling onto to enable them to continue the fight for the recognition as a proper Nation.


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