Within the framework of the Joint European Commission and Council of Europe ROMACT Programme, the Council of Europe is organising a call for tenders for the provision of events management in Romania (2023AO32).
This call concerns the provision of services for accommodation, meeting room packages, catering, reimbursement of travel costs, printing, visibility services, and sanitation & health protection materials against pandemics such as COVID-19 and other services.
For detailed information and the application procedure please refer to the documents in the links below and download all seven documents:
- Tender file
- Act of Engagement
- Appendices:
Deadline for applications : 18 May 2023
Questions and answers – For the Call (2023AO32)
Question 1: Please, specify which past three years do you mean in the following part? ”Copy of the audited financial statements of the company, or any equivalent document, for the past three years (profit and loss account)”
The past three years are 2020, 2021 and 2022 for this call.
Question 2: ”That the Tenderer is in a state of liquidity (the ratio of Average Current assets / Current liabilities from 2019-2022 must be equal or greater than 1)”
Please, specify If you need audited financial statements for the past three years and why do you need a state of liquidity for the period of 2019–2022?
Please read the eligibility criteria on page seven of the tender file.
Question 3: Reimbursement of travel expenses: could you please confirm it is possible to refund participants via bank transfers?
For Romania, participants will be refunded via bank transfer.
Question 4: Appendix 1 Accommodation: please precise the low and high season to avoid any misunderstandings.
For Romania, the high season is during 20 December- 2 January, Easter holidays and 15 July – 31 August and national holidays.
Question 5: Appendix 2 Meeting : Could you please precise if price to be filled in for ”Meeting room up to 30 persons” and ”Meeting room up to 60 persons” should be a ceiling price? Will the event company charge the Council of Europe on the real price and add its Handling fee for meeting packages for event management?
Prices included in a Framework contract are fixed and will be applied for the entire duration of the contract. Please see the specific contractual conditions in the tender file.
Question 6: Could you please precise how financial offers will be compared? What is the formula?
The formula that will be applied consists of giving the maximum number of points to the best financial offer, e.g. 5 out of 5. The score of other offers shall be calculated by dividing the amount of the best offer by the amount of the offer under consideration, and to multiply the result by the maximum number of points.
For a score out of 5: Score = 5 x Co/Ouc
Co being the total amount of the Cheapest Offer
Ouc being the total amount of the Offer Under Consideration
Offers Amount proposed Score Formula
Offer#1 6000 2,91/5 = 5 x 3500/6000
Offer#2 3500 5/5 5 = Cheapest offer
Offer#3 43503,6 2/5 = 5 x 3500/4350
Question 7: You request the following document: “A valid copy of accreditation / certification authority” Do we need to provide a specific document?
Yes. Please check the list of documents to be provided for consideration of your application.
Question 8: A service related to obtaining the following certificate is indicated: ”A valid copy of accreditation / certification authority”.
However, this document must also be present in the application file. Can you specify what you expect from this service?
The Romanian National Qualifications Authority (ANC) is a public institution with legal personality. It is responsible for developing and managing the National Qualifications Framework, the National Register of Qualifications and the National Register of providers of vocational training for adults.
Upon validation of the training (including a written examination), accredited organisations are entitled to provide nationally recognised professional certificates to the participants.
Question 9: “Upon request, the Service Provider will be responsible for the provision of certification of professional competences. The tenderers are invited to indicate in their financial offer a handling fee for Romanian National Authority for Qualifications (ANC – Autoritatea Națională pentru CALIFICARI) certified examination and Accreditation.”
– Is the tenderer required to work with an Authorised Centre?
– Is the tenderer required to have its own trainers (certified professionals)?
The tenderer should be licensed by the National Qualifications Authority, to deliver educational programs and to award the following certifications:
– Project manager
– Public Procurement expert
– Expert in accessing structural and cohesion funds
Certified trainers shall be chosen within ROMACT pool of experts and contracted by Council of Europe directly.
Question 10: Is service provider expected to manage and handle the process for the participants certification of professional competences with the Romanian National Authority for Qualifications?
Question 11: When we are offering the price for event supervisor & conference technical (per person), is it ”per participant” (e.g. 25 participants x ..the price given) or ”per technical person”? (e.g. 1 technical person x the price given)?
The price to be indicated is per supervisor/technician.
Question 12: In appendices, should handling fee be expressed in percentage or absolute value?
Handling fees should be expressed in percentage.
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