TORSDAG 3 AUGUSTI 2023 KL. 15:00 UTC+02
Evenemang av E-Romnja och Feminist Collective of Romani Gender Experts
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Dilemmas of intersectionality – a debate
3rd of August
From 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM
Live on E-Romnja’s FB Page
Language: English
In different countries, the presence of roma LGBT+ in social movements is in many situations isolated. Facing racism along with homo*lesbo*transphobia, classism and sexism in communities and spaces, being questiond, fitting in gadje standards, struggling to find a community or space where to feel a sense of belonging… How do we fit in different spaces? How to make them more inclusive? Who holds the reponsability of deconstructing them from whiteness? When is it the time to talk about racism along with other intersectionalities?
• Alba Hernández, Co-founder Feminist Collective of Romani Gender Experts (Spain)
• Ana Jovanovic, Romani LGBTIQ+ Human rights monitor-European Roma Rights Centre (Serbia)
• Alexandra Ciccone, romnja queer activist feminist (Romania)
• Antonella Lerca Duda, roma transgender and ex political candidate, writer and activist (Romania)
• Sandra Selimovic, Artist, co-founder RomanoSvato (Austria/Serbia)
• Valentina Eminova, activist for roma LGBT+ rights, imprtheater and performer
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