The Council of Europe and the Agency for Interethnic Relations of the Government of the Republic of Moldova will organise an event in Chisinau on 23 June aimed at discussing how to improve the situation of disadvantaged communities, including the Roma, by implementing national strategies through local planning and action.
It will present Council of Europe tools and best practices for inclusion of disadvantaged communities, good governance and community participation, as well as working tools for the further implementation of the governmental 2022 – 2025 Programme for the Support of Roma Population in the Republic of Moldova.
Council of Europe, European Commission and government representatives as well as experts in local development and Romanian municipality representatives will speak and share experiences at the plenary session.
The plenary session of the event will be webcasted live. Simultaneous interpretation English/Romanian/Russian will be available.
Access to online event
Meeting ID: 881 5131 3023
Passcode: LCM2023
- Concept note
- Agenda
- Council of Europe Strategic Action Plan on Roma and Traveller Inclusion (2020-2025)
- 2021-2024 Council of Europe Action Plan for the Republic of Moldova
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