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Leaders should not exploit their position in movements for monetary gain; such individuals are grifters, not leaders.
Unfortunately far too many of the “leaders” of the Romani People, often self-styled, even as kings and emperors of all Gypsies everywhere, are just in it for the money and power. Money and control over the people and, alas, that also goes for the shepherds, the pastors, of the Gypsy churches. Fact is that many should never have been allowed to get into those positions in the first place and, had it is not been for Samudaripen, the Holocaust, they also would never have gotten into those positions; the Elders would have prevented that. But that is history, as they say.
While they live in luxury their flock live in abject poverty, and this goes for both the “leaders” and the “pastors”, but that is exactly they way they like it because having the poor they can come up with money-spinning schemes paid for by the likes of the EU.
The “leaders”, including those fake ones running organizations purporting to help the poor Rom, need the poor to stay just like the way they are and have absolutely no interest in lifting them out of poverty. Only when there are those poor souls around can they, the “leaders”, present phantom projects for lifting the poor Rom out of poverty, getting money for such projects from the EU and others, and then put such monies nicely into their own pockets. Or why does anyone think those “leaders” (and “pastors”) live in villas while the poor Rom live in shacks? Because those “leaders” and such worked so hard for their money? No, they did not work for the money at all. They obtained their wealth by abusing the poor Rom; men, women and children.
Now NGOs are falling out of fashion and the aim is towards political Roma(ni) parties. Here many of the “leaders” also are more than questionable in character and personal ambitions.
They are also either very naïve or very clever in trying to deceive because they should be well aware that we will never ever be able to make any change in the Gadje political field regardless of how many Romani political parties there are going to be and candidates we may field. The system is and always will be skewed against us, as a minority in the host countries.
As for the seat at the table, whether in local, country or international level, one can but laugh. The IRU (the real one not the other fakes) has never gotten further than observer status at ECOSOC at the UN and as this writer has been openly told by a UN official that is about the maximum the UN is prepared to give when he was asked why the Rom have not been given a similar status to the Palestinian people. I very much doubt that the attitudes there at the top have changed over the last 30 years. Therefore the political parties are yet another scam and those promoting it know it or, well, they are very naïve (I could use a different term but won’t) indeed.
From where I am standing and observing it all of it appears to me just another way of getting power and money (for their own accounts) by further abusing the poor Rom.
Michael Smith
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