Combating anti-Gypsyism and discrimination in its diverse forms and supporting access to inclusive quality education constitute two of the priority areas of the Council of Europe’s Strategic Action Plan for Roma and Traveller Inclusion (2020-2025).
Knowledge of the history and culture of Roma and Travellers is still marginal or inexistent among the general public and this misreading highly contributes to the discriminations these populations are faced with.
Highlighting the legacy of Roma and Travellers to European societies through the means culture, arts and history is necessary and urgent. Educational policies on minorities are urgent.
Sead Kazanxhiu illustrated book Romani legends and fairy tales (trilingual version: Albanian, English, Romani and French version) is an important contribution to the acknowledgement and the understanding of Roma culture, for Roma and other children and for the population in general.
Sead Kazanxhiu is a Roma Albanian artist . He is board member of European Roma Institute for Art and Culture, and Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for National Minorities in Albania . With eight personal shows since 2012 (in Tirana, Budapest and Brussels) and numerous group exhibitions (in Tirana, Prague, Brno, Gothenburg, Berlin, Dresden, Krakow, Bucharest, Roma and New Orleans), he is considered as one of the most engaged younger protagonists in contemporary Albanian cultural scene.
Källa: Council of Europe
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