Application deadline is April 8, 2023.
For information about the application process, please consult the following pages:
2. Online Application Form and Checklist
3. Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
We are committed to ensuring equal access to higher education for Roma, and we seek to attract Roma students with an interest in the social sciences and humanities.
Program dates
RGPP’s next academic year will run from September 2023 until June 2024. This is a full-time, non-degree program. Students are expected to be at school for the duration of all the terms. Teaching takes place in both CEU locations: in Budapest and in Vienna.
Full scholarships
Successful applicants will be awarded full merit-based scholarships for the whole duration of the program. The scholarship covers travel to and from CEU Budapest and CEU Vienna Campuses, visa costs, tuition fee, accommodation in the CEU Residence Center and student housing in Vienna, health insurance, study materials. It also includes a monthly stipend for living expenses.
If you have any questions please send us an email at RGPP_Enrollment@ceu.edu or write a message to Romani Studies Program Facebook Page.
Källa: romanistudies.ceu.edu
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