The OSCE/ODIHR and Council of Europe joint training for law-enforcement officers on human rights and non-discriminatory policing aims to strengthen the capacity of police officers working in Roma, Sinti and Traveller communities and mixed communities by employing the following approaches:
- Providing effective policing strategies that are fair and responsive to the needs of the communities they serve, while engaging in practices that comply with human rights standards;
- Educating participants on European standards on non-discrimination, the findings and recommendations of human rights monitoring bodies and on the principles and standards derived from the European Court of Human Rights’ jurisprudence on preventing and investigating racially motivated crimes;
- Increasing participants’ knowledge of and sensitivity to gender-specific issues that Roma, Sinti and Traveller women face.
The Council of Europe Strategic Action Plan for Roma and Traveller Inclusion (2020-2025) emphasizes that anti-Roma and anti-Traveller prejudice, discrimination and hate crimes require a combination of measures. These measures include training law-enforcement officers on the Council of Europe’s standards and relevant case law of the European Court of Human Rights.
The OSCE and the Council of Europe have a well-established and long-standing relationship, based on their shared values of democracy, human rights and the rule of law. For several years, both the OSCE/ODIHR and the Council of Europe have assisted various member states in implementing training activities for law-enforcement officers to ensure an effective police response to racially motivated violence and discrimination against Roma, Sinti and Travellers and to improve relations between Roma communities and the police. ODIHR and the Council of Europe have jointly developed a training curriculum for member states to improve policy responses on the situation of Roma, Sinti and Traveller communities and to counter prejudice, negative stereotyping and discrimination from law enforcement.
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