The European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture – ERIAC is a membership-based organization, bringing together Roma and non-Roma individuals and organizations, with relevant and demonstrated competencies and experience in the field of arts and culture and who are committed to ERIAC’s values. Currently, 235 members are part of the ERIAC arts and culture community.
In 2022, we are announcing the opening of the call for associate members, on the occasion of the 5th anniversary of the launching of the European Roma Institute for Arts and Culture – 8th of June!
Information about ERIAC membership is now available in 15 languages (Romanes, English, German, Spanish, Hungarian, Albanian, Serbian, Macedonian, Polish, Slovak, French, Italian, Catalan, and Romanian).
The ERIAC Membership Charter is available here.
What are the benefits of being an associate member of ERIAC?
Associate Members have key roles in building the resources of ERIAC, engaging in creative exchange and co-production, taking ownership of ERIAC’s initiatives, and engaging in its decision-making.
As an associate member:
- You will have full access to ERIAC’s information and knowledge resources, collections, archives and database
- To the extent possible, you will be involved in ERIAC’s program of activities
- You will be invited to suggest cultural and artistic initiatives and partnerships
- Through thematic sections, you will be able to shape ERIAC’s priorities and activities
- You will form part of ERIAC’s hub as a platform for the exchange of ideas and expertise
- You will be able to display the logo and the name of the Institute in your own activities, according to the conditions set by ERIAC
- You will have the right to participate in the General Assemblies
How can I become an associate member?
The 2022 call for associate members will be opened on the occasion of celebrating ERIAC’s 5th birthday – on June 8 – and will remain open until July 31, 2022. Associate membership can be obtained by filling out the online application form.
Applications will be collected by the Executive Management and evaluated by the ERIAC Pakiv Board. All associate members are required to pledge to respect ERIAC’s founding principles and fulfil the principle of contribution. The membership becomes valid, upon the transfer of the membership contribution following the positive evaluation of the application. The rights and responsibilities of members are described in the Membership Charter.
Our members are required to contribute with the annual financial fee or the annual in-kind contribution. The description and a list of potential in-kind contributions are available here.
In case your current situation does not allow you to fulfil the principle of contribution, please reach out to the membership coordination, in advance of your application, at eriac@eriac.org in order for ERIAC to attempt to understand your request and find a way to endorse your membership!
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