Feminist Collective of Romani Gender Experts (FCRGE) -Mobilisation of Romani* gender equality professionals

The lack of representation and professionals prepared/with expertise in gender studies, particularly in the Roma women’s studies field, has motivated these gender professionals to put the base of a platform where Roma women with experience in women’s rights and issues come together to exchange knowledge and expertise. 

In their words: “The Feminist Collective of Romani Gender Experts is a transnational network of gender professionals with *Roma origin. Through our work, we create a space where Romani women gender experts have the chance to broaden their professional network on gender issues from diverse fields.”

It is well known that Romani women face in general triple discrimination; for being women, Roma and poor. In the case of Romani women gender professionals, there is a lack of interest from the mainstream actors to include them in the labour market due to racism, sexism, homophobia, ageism, etc. With our platform, we will aim at building the capacity of the members by initiating an exchange of knowledge, contacts, and professional strategies.

“The Collective overall will serve as a platform for members to join efforts in consulting, advocacy, lobbying and mainstreaming Roma women’s and girls’ issues by actively participating in discussions, debates and conferences. In addition to that, our main goal is to bridge between Romani gender professionals and institutions, the Collective also aims to promote partnerships between the members and different organisations, institutes, lobbies (including mainstream gender equality institutions) who could potentially work with Roma gender experts.“

Right now, the collective is searching for members having their application deadline on 30 January, 2023.

This platform is searching for: Romani* women gender experts with at least 5 years of working experience: The working experience can be also counted from volunteering, internships, traineeships, research, etc. These experiences should be connected to gender-related issues, but can come from any field (law, policy, health, community organising, etc.)

– Maximum 35 years old

– Openly stands up for equality for ALL, including LGBTQA+, people living with disability, young girls and women, BIPOC.

Member application formular

About the co-funders

Marina Csikós is one of the co-founders of the (FCRGE). Marina holds a master’s degree in gender studies from the Central European University (CEU), where she focused her research on intersectionality, feminist knowledge production, and anti-racism. She has been working in the intersection of activism, art, and policy for several years, and has been cooperating with a wide range of actors: from civil society organisations, and art institutions, through European human rights and policy bodies. Main areas of interest are feminist knowledge production, critical policy studies, and intersectional discrimination.

Alba Hernández is one of the co-founders of the (FCRGE). Alba has two master’s degrees in gender studies, one of them focused on gender and law from the University of Salamanca (USAL), Spain, where she investigated how Spanish legislation on gender-based violence (GBV) lacks an intersectional approach. In addition, the second is from the Central European University (CEU), Austria, reviewing European Roma policies with an intersectional gender perspective. Alba has worked in Roma and non-Roma institutions and has collaborated with Roma feminist NGOs. Her work focuses on intersectionality, gender-based violence, Romani feminist knowledge production, and policy analysis and law.

Maria Dumitru Ruiz is member of the (FCRGE). Maria holds a master’s degree in gender studies from the Central European University (CEU) and is currently in the first year of her PhD at the Norwegian University of Theology, Religion and MF Society, researching Roma slavery from a gender perspective. In the past, Maria worked for the World Bank in Romania, for organizations in Spain and Norway and collaborated with the Roma feminist theatre, Giuvlipen. Main areas of interest are slavery, intersectional discrimination, feminism, and homelessness studies.”

If you are interested in learning more about the (FCRGE), you can follow them on:

Facebook: Feminist Collective of Romani Gender Experts
Instagram: romanigenderexperts
LinkedIn: Feminist Collective of Romani Gender Experts
Email: romafeministcollective@gmail.com


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