24 FEB KL. 09:30–25 FEB KL. 16:30
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Conference aims to bring together representatives of institutions, organizations and stakeholders who influence policies related to the topic of LGBT Roma minority to present the results and outputs reached in the international project ROMA LGBT IN EUROPE „ Help to make Roma LGBT minority visible “The Project reacts to the critical situation of the Roma LGBTIQ minority that is a subject of numerous forms of disadvantage, multiple discrimination and is excluded from the inclusion and integration policies and measures. The marginal status of this community further deepens its vulnerability and strengthens the risk of hate speech, stigma, homophobia, and general lack of social acceptance. Concealment of the different sexual orientation and gender identity is the only rescue from social isolation and /or excommunication. Therefore, it is crucial to increase the effort in removing the barriers that are publicly known and strengthen the intervention on the field of defending and applying Roma LGBTI rights on both national and European level.

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