11-year-old Denise wakes up to another school day, she is grumpy having to walk to school over a muddy cornfield. Her younger cousin Walter is teasing her on the way, same with the older one Jonathan. Their shiny back-packs with Disney-characters are jumping up and down in the foggy air, as they start to play with each other, having fun on their way.
A film by Hanna Heilborn, in co-operation with Dijana Pavlovic.
Premiere February 2 – Biopalatset 9 in Gothenburg
2:e feb, 19:30 – Biopalatset 9
3:e feb, 12:45 – Haga 1
5:e feb, 15:00 – Haga 2
Här kan du läsa om filmen på svenska
Here you can book tickets to The Village of Roses
11-year-old Denise wakes up to another school day, she is grumpy having to walk to school over a muddy cornfield. Her younger cousin Walter is teasing her on the way, same with the older one Jonathan. At home, Denise’s mother Puffa is once again calling authorities to find out why the Milanese school bus has not stopped to pick up the children of her family. The village they live in was once formed by the Municipality, placed in the outskirt of the last suburb, south of the city. Some people call it a Roma camp. Denise’s family calls it Villaggio delle Roses, The Village of Roses.
Outside the village the inhabitants face exclusion, oppression and even hatred, in the grocery store, in school, at work, or just when spending some time outside. Everyone in the family fights this in their own way. Grandpa Iaio, the family rock, keeps on rebuilding and refurbishing their homes, former mobile houses, into beautiful villas. Jonathan makes himself strong with boxing, encouraged by grandpa to wave his Roma flag when winning a match. Denise finds comfort in food and in friends outside home. Puffa keeps up her Sisyphus task by demonstrating against fascism and confronting people in power. One day, out of the blue, she gets to know the homes of the family are going to be demolished.
Over a period of six years, we get to know a loving family and a community fighting for their rights to exist, with self-irony and humor. In combination with TV archives and telephone conversations between the film director and her friend, roma activist and actress Dijana Pavlovic, the context is set with strong relevance of what is happening in Italy and Europe today. The story step by step dismantles the consequences of hateful populist media rhetoric and puts to surface the widespread oppression of the Roma minority in Europe and an oppressive society, we all can call ours.
Participants: Iaio, ”Aldo”, Deragna, Licia, ”Puffa”, Breidic, Denise Deragna, Walter, ”Cippi”, Hudorovic, Lucia Deragna and more.
Here you can book tickets to The Village of Roses
Facebook: The Village of Roses
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