Romani feminist activism is characterized by its transgenerational and transnational resilience and power of change. Romani women and their activism has nevertheless largely been researched by non-Roma, and it happens to be one of the most researched minorities by non-Roma in general. In part, this is due to the fact that for a long time both the material and non-material resources of Romani women’s own political representation have been limited, thus creating a biased image of them.
Therefore, this research is a step towards the production of Romani feminist knowledge which is based on the voices of professional Romani feminist women activists from different countries. Throughout this qualitative research, an approach to the current situation of Romani feminist activism in Europe has been carried out.
Alba Hernández is Gitana intersectional feminist from Spain. Hernandez holds two master’s degrees in ‘Gender Studies and Law’ from the University of Salamanca, Spain and ‘Critical Gender Studies’ and ‘Critical Romani Studies’ from the Central European University, Vienna, Austria. Alba, started to get involved in Romani feminism when after years of studies, debates and activism in feminism, experienced that the issues of Romani women and girls as well as minority women’s issues were not represented in mainstream feminism in Spain due to the lack of understanding of how intersectionality works in non-white experiences. Alba, decided to move to Budapest, Hungary to participate in the RGPP at CEU where she studied Romani feminism and developed her knowledge of justice, politics and gender. Currently, she works as a Junior Expert consultant at CPRSI, OSCE ODIRH in Warsaw, Poland. In addition, Alba is the co-founder of the Roma Gender Experts Collective which has been launched this year with the aim of creating a network of Roma women and young gender experts”.
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