The 2021 edition of the Roma Political School was launched today in Ukraine. 21 Roma women and men were selected to be trained.
The participants will undergo a training comprising 5 modules divided into three sessions. The first session which started today will deal with the topics of:
- Political participation and Roma Population.
- Gender equality and Roma women participation.
- Local Government: role and importance of the Local Councils and the impact of the decentralisation reforms.
The purpose of the Roma Political Schools, which will also be implemented this year in Albania, Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain, is to foster the political participation of Roma. The schools train Roma citizens with the aim of bringing Roma closer to local, national and European decision-making bodies, whilst promoting their active participation and interaction with public administration as well as their presence in the public sphere. This includes Roma with the will to participate in local elections and possible national and European elections as representatives of their communities.
The schools are financed by the Council of Europe contribute to the implementation of the Council of Europe Strategic Action Plan for Roma and Traveller Inclusion (2020-2025) Priority 5.2. Support democratic governance and promote public trust and accountability.
The Roma Political School in Ukraine is implemented by a partner organisation – the Roma Women Fund Chiricli. Two more training session will take place, one in September and one in October 2021.
Källa: Roma and Travellers
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