TISDAG 17 MAJ 2022 KL. 14:00–16:00 UTC+02
Evenemang av Diakonissalaitos
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This event organised in the context of European Commission’s Romani Week 2022 aims to examine the importance of understanding intersectional identities and the experiences of intersectional discrimination faced by Roma women, as well as the current lack of legislation regarding multiple discrimination.By focusing on identity diversity and intersecting and overlapping forms of difference, the conference seeks to explore how to combat discrimination faced by Roma women. How do the European Union’s anti-discrimination legislation and policies address multiple discrimination and how could the implementation and understanding of intersectionality be further improved?
Additionally, the conference examines the effects of multiple discrimination and provides support to mobilise victims of multiple discrimination.Key themes covered by the presentation of the Intersect Voices project and a panel discussion include:· European trends and dynamics regarding the specificity of intersectional discrimination experienced by Roma women
· Policy recommendations on the integration of intersectionality into anti-discrimination strategies and legislation at EU level
· Methods to mobilize different actors to combat multiple discrimination at EU level
· Strategies for promoting support and tools for legislators as well as activists and professionals in the field of equality to report cases of multiple discrimination and support the victims
The agenda can be viewed here: https://www.eurodiaconia.org/…/Agenda-Intersectional…
Please register here: https://ec.europa.eu/…/81e4159d-d166-2890-31b6…
The Intersect Voices project is funded by the European Union’s Fundamental Rights, Equality and Citizenship (REC) funding program.The project consortium is formed by civil society organizations from Finland (Deaconess Foundation, member of Eurodiaconia), Italy (Romni Onlus), and Romania (Asociatia E-Romnja and Center for Not-for-Profit Law in Romania), specialized in Roma women’s rights and access to justice.Eurodiaconia is a network of social services providers.
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