28 JUN KL. 09:00–29 JUN KL. 18:00
Evenemang av Auschwitz Memorial / Muzeum Auschwitz
Auschwitz Memorial / Muzeum Auschwitz
Längd: 2 dagar
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The International Center for Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust at the Auschwitz Memorial begins the call for participants in the international educational conference “The Tools of «Here and Now» in Teaching about «Then» – New Technologies in Education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust” that will take place on June 27-29, 2023 in Oświęcim.
The conference is part of a series of biennial meetings devoted to reflection on the methodology of teaching about the history of Auschwitz and the Holocaust.
Addressing the challenges posed by the education of the young generation, we would like to dedicate this year’s International Educational Conference to the new technologies used in teaching about the crimes of World War II, which are increasingly present in museums and memorials. We are committed to covering the issue as broadly as possible, taking into account the psychological and sociological perspective, including the opportunities and threats arising from the use of new media in education.
The conference programme includes both panel discussions and presentations of solutions and projects implemented by museums and educational institutions in recent years.
We hope that joint discussions, debates and an exchange of experience can help us answer the following questions: Are there any limitations in using new technologies in teaching about genocides? How can we safely use them in education about the Holocaust and the crimes of World War II? What should education about Auschwitz and the Holocaust look like “here and now”?
Details, program & online registration: https://www.auschwitz.org/…/call-for-participants…
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