Policing by consent

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In Britain we are told that we are being policed by consent. The question I would like to phrase here is: “How was this consent obtained from every resident in this country?”

Text: 2024 © Michael Smith
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N.B. I do not say British citizen as there is no such a thing. The British people are still “subjects of His Majesty” and not citizens. Now let that sink in first of all.

OK, but back to the question.

I cannot remember that my consent was ever asked for as far as policing goes, nor many other things were are said are being done by consent, nor that it was ever given, especially not in writing and it should be in writing because it would be a contract.

Please no one come at me with the reply that by living here one has given consent to this. A child just born into the world in this country has not chosen to live here; it just so happened. But it is immediately assumed that he or she is giving this consent.

The police, regardless of country, including the UK, is an instrument of the government and it is an executive arm of it, to enforce the laws made by government, many of these laws are contrary to the wishes of the people and are oppressive even. Consent does not come into it, especially as no one of us contracted their consent to it, and thus the entire thing about “policing by consent” is a fake. We are being told, falsely, that we have agreed to it. None of us, I am sure, ever have.

In the US, where the sheriff is elected by the people, on local, town and county level at least, one could say that policing is by consent of some kind or the other, as the people, at least (theoretically) the majority, have voted for that person and thus for his team. In the UK, and especially in countries that operate under Roman Law, this is not the case, ever.

The police in Britain has come from what used to be the beadles and later the Bow Street Runners. While the big stuff was being dealt is by the military, such as riots, and also the customs men, other crimes were dealt with by the aristocracy and their agents. Not much has changed, really, to come extent.

Policing by consent is a fake. None of us has given his or her consent to this. The police is and remains an agent of the government and an executive arm of it. And be under no illusion, if the government sees it fit they will supplement the police with the military or even give the military higher policing powers than the police has right now.

Military police vehicles already now have the same livery as ordinary police ones and only is you look close enough you will see the term “military police” on them, and the same goes for their body armors where the reflective signs says in bold “police”. You will only see that they are MP at closer inspection. No consent in any way, shape or form from the people. Only when wearing battle dress will we see the difference as they then wear their red beret, and the MP insignia. And the UK is not the only country who has been doing that. We see the same in EU countries.

So, where is the consent here? Simply put, there is none and never has been one.

2024 © Michael Smith


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