The Critical Romani Studies Lunch Seminar Series is a platform for sharing research-based knowledge, research ideas and research questions in the field of Critical Romani Studies. The series brings together scholars and students who want to share their knowledge with a wide audience. It is hosted by the Department of Romani Studies at Södertörn University.
The Romani-Swedish magazine DIKKO and the Romani Studies Department at Södertörn University proudly present our lunch-seminar series in Critical Romani Studies!
Läs om Romska studier på Södertörns högskola på svenska HÄR
The seminars will be held every Tuesday at 12.00-12.30 (CEST). They will be sent live through Zoom, and will later be made openly available at the Södertörn University webpage.
Mjöberg Lauritzen Solvor is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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24th August 12.00-12.30 (CEST)

Dr Adrian Richard Marsh, is a researcher in Romani Studies & Romani Early Years, of Romany-Traveller origins. He holds a PhD in Romani studies from the University of Greenwich, London, has wide experience as an educational practitioner in multicultural settings, and has taught and researched in Romani Studies at a range of universities. He is currently based in Istanbul, working for his NGO, ‘the international Romani Studies Network’ at the Swedish Research Institute there.
Meta-narrative of the ‘Gypsies’, the Content & the Form in Romani Studies
31st August 12.00-12.30 (CEST)

Dr Nicoleta Bitu has been active in the field of Roma, human and women’s rights for over 30 years. She has worked for Romani CRISS, the Open Society Foundations, the Council of Europe, the European Commission and Romano ButiQ, and contributed to the establishment of the ERIAC and acted as chair and academic adviser for the Roma Archive.
Intersectional perspectives on Romani feminism
7th September 12.00-12.30 (CEST) )

Dr Camilla Ida Ravnbøl is a post.doc at the Department of Anthropology at the University of Copenhagen. She is a legal anthropologist who focuses on EU citizenship and minority rights. Camilla’s ethnographic research has since 2014 concerned Roma from Romania who live in homelessness in Denmark.
Criminal(ised) subjects: ethnographic perspectives on the criminalization of homeless Roma in Denmark
14th September 12.00-12.30 (CEST)

MA Maria Dumitru is a Roma academic, feminist and human rights advocate from Romania. She holds an MA in Gender Studies from the Central European University, and is currently working for the World Bank in Romania and the Roma feminist theatre Giuvlipen.
Gendered experiences among homeless Roma women in Oslo
21st September 12.00-12.30 (CEST)

Dr Jenni Helakorpi In her PhD-study(2020), Helakorpi draw from critical theories on race and whiteness, poststructuralism and feminist theories to analyse power relations in Finnish, Swedish and Norwegian policies and practices considering Roma, Travellers and basic education. Currently she is working as a postdoctoral researcher in University of Helsinki and she studies racism and whiteness in lower secondary education in Finland.
Renewing white privilege in policies and practices on Roma, Travellers and education
28th September 12.00-12.30 (CEST)

Dr Marko Stenroos holds a Ph.D in social and cultural anthropology from the University of Helsinki. In his study he examined how European Roma strategies travel to Finland and how policies on Roma are implemented at the national level. He the board member of Minority Rights Group Finland and has been involved with Roma work and Roma studies over ten years.
Roma participation and its Nordic/Baltic dimension
Mjöberg Lauritzen Solvor is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Critical Romani Studies Lunch Seminar Series
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
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Romani Studies examines political, social and cultural conditions of Romani people, Romani interactions with others, and others’ perspectives on and interactions with Romani people. At Södertörn University, we have focused on Roma schooling and education, antiziganism, Romani linguistics and Roma history.
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