Sök stipendium för ett läsår på CEU Wien

FULL SCHOLARSHIPS offered to participate in this 10-month pre-graduate study, higher education-focused program. Scholarships cover: Tuition, accommodation, travel, a monthly living-cost stipend, and other expenses. The deadline for applications is 8 April 2025.

Källa: RGPP
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We are looking for European Union (EU) Romani students graduating or having already acquired a baccalaureate (BA) degree who are looking ahead to a future in international academia or to pursue a Master’s degree for professional purposes.

For more details, visit the RSP website here: https://romanistudies.ceu.edu/apply-rgpp-20252026

CALL FOR APPLICANTS: https://romanistudies.ceu.edu/…/284/rgpp2025english.pdf

APPLICATION FORM: https://romanistudies.ceu.edu/application-form-and-checklist

The RGPP also provides on-line support for potential applicants throughout the application process.

Contact us via Facebook https://www.facebook.com/CEURomaniStudiesProgram or Instagram (ceu_romani_studies_program) or at our e-mail address: RGPP_enrollment@ceu.edu.

Vem blir den fjärde romen från Sverige att ta denna fantastiska möjlighet? Stipendium för ett läsår på CEU Wien. För mer info: kontakta jan.selling@sh.se eller adresserna nedan.

Please send this call to others in your network and if you happen to know anyone who you think would be great for this program, please get us in touch with them!

With best regards,
The Roma Graduate Preparation Program
Central European University 


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