The Council of Europe announces a Call for proposals for Roma and pro-Roma civil society organisations in the framework of the EU-CoE Joint Programme EQUIROM “Equality and Freedom from Discrimination for Roma”.
The aim of the Call for proposals is to establish partnerships with Roma and pro-Roma civil society organisations for the development and implementation of a broad communication campaign to fight antigypsyism and anti-Roma discrimination, to build positive narratives about Roma and raise awareness on Roma history and culture, Roma Holocaust, including gender equality and a diversity dimension.
Applications can be submitted by organisations established in project countries: Bulgaria, Greece and Romania.
Maximum 3 organisations will be selected within the Call (1 per project country).
The total grant award available per one country amounts to €30.000
The grant application documents can be consulted below.
The application form and provisional budget, together with supporting documents of the applicant organisation must be submitted in an electronic format (Word and/or PDF), in English, to the following e-mail address: equirom@coe.int
E-mails should contain the following reference in subject line: EQUIROM Grant Application _ Country_and Name of the organisation.
Applications must be received before 10 September 2023 (23:59 – Central European Time). Applications received after the deadline as well as incomplete applications will not be considered.
Questions regarding the Call for proposals shall be addressed in English at the latest one week before the deadline to equirom@coe.int, with the subject line EQUIROM Grants – Questions.
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